Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Well they are coming in a day early! Kids and grandkids that is! Can't wait. They'll be here around midnight! Would someone please remind me to take lots of pictures!!

To Sierra Madre regarding your latest comment! You are welcome to join us for sangria when you make it here, but, there is one thing that you must remember. You will be in Kentucky! Redneckitis will soon set in and you won't hear the clinking of the sangria glasses, because the sangria will be red plastic cups! Ahhh! The best way to drink it! hee hee!

Inspector position! I would be your boss. Must be able to stand temperatures equal to those in the depths of hell!! Anyone know anyone looking for a job?

1 comment:

Patience-please said...

Take lots of pictures!!!! (LOVE the "clinking of plastic cups!)