Thursday, September 11, 2008
Inquiring mind wants to know!
Things going OK here! This week has seemed to drag like crazy.
Our Wes lost 2 teeth in one day. He actually lost one at school and then pulled the other when he got home from school. The tooth fairy probably didn't have to pay double though because he really LOST the first one at school. On Saturday, Will is going to be 5 years old! Can you believe it? Wow, seems like the days just drag sometimes, but time is actually flying!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
On haitus I guess

Or this face?

Or this face?

It was so good to see all of the kids and have at least a couple of days with them. Of course, I don't need to remind you about Gustav! There was a mandatory evacuation for Jackson County Mississippi issued on Saturday. Well, the party still remained to be considered. Husband's mother was very intent on having said gathering! Well, to stay married for 50 years is a real milestone and does call for a celebration. In the back of my mind all I could think was Gustav, Gustav, Gustav. Same weekend as Katrina hit 3 years ago. Oh, lord, what had I gotten myself into? Well, needless to say, the party took place and was very nice. Here's a picture of the cake.
That's their wedding picture on top of the cake!
Here's the happy couple cutting the cake!
All in all we had a real nice time. Megan, John and kids left Saturday night after we had all eaten way too much seafood, potatoes, coleslaw, ribs, hush puppies, and biscuits. They couldn't find a motel room until they were almost to Birmingham. We left Sunday morning after Husband helped his Dad board up the house. Traffic was horrible. I have never seen so many cars with Louisiana plates in all of my life. I don't blame them though, I would have skedaddled! Sometimes we were going 20 miles and hour, and then up to 50 miles an hour. It was a long drive and we were exhausted by the time that we arrived at our front porch.
Now it's back to the same old daily grind! I will say though, that there's no place that I would probably rather be than HOME. It's nice to visit different places and see new things, but home is the best place of all.